Official Time Bureau funeral services involve placing a coin known as a Legionnaire’s Obol inside the deceased agent’s mouth and then freezing their body to absolute zero. The body is then placed inside a capsule that vibrates everything in it until the body is nothing but microscopic dust, everything separated into individual atoms. This process ensures that the agent can’t be resurrected or cloned and that the secrets hidden within their memory and within their time-crossed DNA can never be recovered.
Superstition holds that the Legionnaire’s Obol, which is made of an alloy that can’t be destroyed within the vibrating capsule, thereafter contains the essence of the dead agent. The coin carries with it that which remains of us when our bodies and our memories are removed.
Frequently, a grieving time agent close to the deceased takes this coin with them and will carry it until the worst of their grieving is completed. At which time, the Obol is placed inside the Time Bureau Memorial Vault.
The Memorial Vault contains no written documentation of the agents or their missions, as these are all classified. All language written or spoken is forbidden within the Memorial Vault. The Vault holds nothing but the billions of indestructible coins which once sat inside the mouths of dead agents prior to being reduced to atoms.
Tradition is strong, and even on missions where agents are left without access to Legionnaire Obols, the ritual is carried out with whatever materials are available. Time agents trapped in the past were known to use a local coin and a pine box in place of the vibration capsule.
Misunderstood mimicry of these practices have continued on from the descendants of these time agents who were stranded in the distant past. If a tradition’s purpose isn’t understood, it’s likely it originated with stranded time agents. Meaningful acts distort over time like a continuous game of Telephone that’s been running since before civilization began.